Building your Own


In the end – it took me two weeks of free time to build my own goat milking stand. It took several iterations and some wasted wood. I had to move the construction in and out of the barn because of the rain. And keep chasing the goat down for new measurements.

The things is… we could have just bought a pre-made milking stand. They had very decent ones on Facebook for $250. Or cheaper ones at $200. I could have just ordered one, and used my time to garden or work on expanding the chicken run. And when I was building, I didn’t even know it would work. This was a totally new thing for me. I might spend 2 weeks building, the goat would hate it, and then I would have to buy a professional made one anyway. So why? Why build your own?

For me… its because I feel joy from using the things that I’ve made with my own hands. Even if purchased things are better. There is joy in knowing that this is my handiwork and creativity in front of me. In seeing it, in handling them. Its low key joy – but its there and it lasts a long long time. And I knew that if I build it myself, and succeed, for the next 10+ years, as I sit down morning and evening to milk my goat I will feel joy of using something that I created myself. Two weeks of work, and the chance of wasted effort were worth that.

Its a lesson that I learned at age 15, during high school wood shop. We were free to build our own project at the end of class. I designed my own pencil holder, built it, and then used it for the rest of high school and college. And that pencil holder brought me joy. It college, when things were tough, I would hold it in my hands and feel good about being able to build something. The memory remained. But its not until we got our California ranch that I could really start building things for home use.

I think… my eventual goal will be to build my own house. Design it, learn the skills needed, and build it with my own hands. And then feel utter joy from living in it. And feeling joy from every wall, window, ceiling, and floor. But thats a long time away. For now I can keep practicing in the garden.


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